Charleston Port Complex facts and information

Earlier this year, John Rowe visited the Charleston port complex and toured the Wando terminal with Marion Bull, manager, marketing for South Carolina Ports Authority. He also visited  MSC’s South American United States headquarters where he met with Amanda Diniz,...

Port perspectives: Rebounding from coronavirus

We continue to hear from agent partners in China and read about the rebound from coronavirus. While the news coming from China is positive as cargo begins to move again, the impact and ripple effect to the freight business are being felt in the United States. First...

Coronavirus impact: A partner agent’s view

Our team had a call with a partner agent based in Shanghai, China this week. He gave great insight into the impact of the coronavirus on the shipping industry and the subsequent recovery. Here’s a summary of the conversation. The epicenter of the virus is in...

Air freight & coronavirus contingency planning

The information below about air freight is from American Shipper and important to consider for supply chain planning. Finding all-cargo aircraft with room to move goods from China to international customers could be difficult for manufacturers and retailers once...

Coronavirus impact to shipping

We’re passing along information received from Drewry Supply Chain Advisors about the impact and potential impact to supply chains resulting from the effect of the coronavirus. The article headline: Health crisis cannot be ignored by shippers. It states: Current...