Cargo Services in the Community

Cargo Services is proud to sponsor the Books For Youth initiative in partnership with the Indianapolis Colts.

In its 18th year, the effort has collected over 900,000 books and distributed over 9,000 backpacks filled with age-appropriate books to Indiana Foster Youth.  Cargo Services is proud to team up with the Colts General Manager Chris Ballard and his wife Kristin and their family in this initiative and make an impact on the lives of foster youth throughout the state.

“So many of these kids have very little to call their own. These are always great events where we get to see the smiles on the kid’s faces as they open their backpacks filled with books they get to read and keep.”

Steve Fugate, CFO Cargo Services


For the past 7 years, Cargo Services, the Indianapolis Colts and Meijer have hosted a graduation party for youth in foster care.  This year we celebrated 40 amazing graduates!  The evening is filled with personalized items, celebrations and surprises for the graduates and their invited guests.  Ask a team member for more details on how you can be involved.